Wednesday, July 2, 2008

my sketch cards for this week

Some scraps from the July CMK kit just happened to be on my desk and they worked perfectly for my card for Sketch This 56. :)

I am not sure why my card for the Di Hickman July #1 card sketch didn't make it onto the blog, but it's all good. I probably forgot to send an attachment. lol!

We had some pretty cool thunderstorms last night. The lightning was wicked cool and we all (well, Skye and Ashlyn stayed in the basement) sat on the back porch and watched. At one point there was a lightning bolt that shot low across the sky in right front of us and another that was really close to the left of us... and I mean REALLY CLOSE! We felt the energy, and heard the "ZAP!" and felt a boom. I thought for sure it had struck just a few houses down. We ALL screamed and ran into the house, we couldn't get in there fast enough, including my hubby! lol Once our hearts returned to our chests, we started laughing about how freaked out we were and how we just flew out of our chairs and tried to cram through the back door as one. We terrified Skye and Ashlyn and they were hysterical. it took a while to calm them down. They thought we were leaving them behind. We went back out and had some hot cocoa and watched until it was time for bed.
The heavy rain and cool air that blew in with it was a welcome change, and I opened up all the windows to cool this place down and get that nice fresh rain scent into the air. That is one of my favorite scents ever! I wish I could bottle it and spray it whenever.

I was lucky and I did get my box from My Acrylic Album yesterday! *happy dance* I got 2 really cute albums and the stamps are just as cute as can be!!! In fact, one of the albums was created with the stamp set in mind. I have an idea for that one, but I really want to give it a bit more thought so I can do it justice. I have already started on the other project. :) We also got a fun ribbon holder thing... I should know what it's called, but it's slipping my mind. I'll get that going and show you. I may actually *gasp* have some organization for my endless ribbon supply that, fess up girls, we all seem to have. ;) Or at least for now a tiny fraction. Currently my ribbon stash is in 4 baskets all jumbled up, not the best system but it works for me. I actually like having to dig through and find the perfect piece for the project I am working on.

The 4th is just around the corner. My parents are going to come get Skye, Ashlyn and Emily tomorrow and take them back to Lake Chelan for a few days so they can be with their cousins. That's so sweet of them! Meghan is working all weekend and Kara is looking forward to a break from the younger girls. She's going bowling with some friends on Saturday anyway. Her and I are also working the concessions stand at the high school on Thursday night to earn money for Grad Night 2009. All profits go to this fund which is going to help us a lot since we need to get some funds into the account.

Have a great day!


  1. Fab cards again. Take care under the storm, one little boy has been seriously injured by a lightning lately in France, on a football ground.

  2. lovin' those cards girlie! love the storm story! totally made me laugh about bombarding the door! sounds like me and DH - we love to watch the storms but that lightning get wicked and I seriously BOLT into the door! LOL - and can't wait to see what you do with your new album! I'm sure it'll be fab! Have a wonderful 4th weekend! hugs!

  3. awesome cards!!! just dropped in to say Happy Fourth!!! :)

  4. OMGosh, you were lovin' this kit too...did it make you giddy? I confess, I was, it all just peeked my senses and obviously tickled yours too because EVERYTHING is AMAZING Rae!!! You are such an inspiration and dear friend! Have a wonderful 4th my friend!

    hugs & much love!

  5. Your cards are just blowing me away, Rae! Gorgeous!! Storm watching sounds fun, sorry it had to end on such a dramatic note, though, lol.

  6. FAB cards of course!!!!! Have a supre 4th!

  7. Gorgeous cards Rae, your 'storm story' is too funny!
    Happy 4th to you and yours ;)

  8. oh wow.... what a gorgeous gorgeous cards!!!!!


I thank you so much for your kind comments! :) Have a beautiful day.