Wednesday, November 7, 2007

rain rain go away

I shouldn't complain. It's the first rain we've had in almost a month. I just got used to the beautiful sunshine! I just want to crawl back under the covers and hide all day now.

Here are 2 layouts I created for my gig as TDOM. These papers are gorgeous! They are double- sided, thick and the colors are rich and warm. The stamps are awesome! The quality is great and the ink washes easily off without a struggle. Not to mention that 12x12 is such a fun size for a stamp. If you haven't ordered any, you really should! :)

I also created a little notebook to slip into my purse. There is a tab for each child as well as a general family tab. I plan to recorded the kids' Christmas lists and what I have purchased for each of them in this. Hopefully this will avoid repeats (especially for those LPS toys that I can't seem to keep track of) and will be handy as we are out and about trying to figure out who wants which size or color or scent since those things seem to always change with all these girls! lol

And I decided to give the Sketch This: Cards blog #31 sketch a try. I have never done these before, but after seeing the gorgeous cards my scrappy friends create with the sketches, I just had to jump in. I think I am going to try to do this each week. It was really easy to follow the fun sketch. :)

I had another whoopsie last night. Ashlyn had her coat on the floor and I asked her multiple times to pick it up. Well I went down the hallway and I thought she had moved it while I was in my room. Nope. The next thing I know I am trying to keep myself upright with pain shooting up my leg. I have slipped a few times in the last several weeks, but this one had me in tears. I couldn't feel parts of my foot and ankle, even applying ice did nothing. I took 2 pain pills and went to bed early hoping it would feel better today. It does a bit, however I have a large bruise on my leg now and still have some tingling and pain. I think it's going to be OK, but I am pretty upset. I had really felt pretty good yesterday and was able to walk around a bit more. Not today. Oh well, things could be worse. It's just more frustrating than anything because I really want to keep moving forward, not falling back and having to keep making up the ground I lost.

Skye has her very first Middle School conference today. She's nervous because in ms it's a student led conference. Each student prepares their own review, with a teachers help, and then they present their goals, their achievements, where they feel they need to improve and share some of their best work from each class. I have been through these with Kara and Meghan and they are such a great idea! The kids are responsible for their progress, their goals, etc. and they learn valuable skills on organization, time management and visual and oral presentation. I know she's going to do well!

1 comment:

  1. GORGEOUS projects! Love what you did with the PT paper and the little notebook is adorable! Great card. Love the take on the sketch.


I thank you so much for your kind comments! :) Have a beautiful day.